Sunday, January 30, 2011


3.91 mile run....first in two weeks....PASS!  Garmin....Big Fat FAIL! Came in to upload data and it locked up. Reset it and it did not save my data. POOH! I was so excited because I looked down after mile one and.....8:45 came up. Yea...still rocking that first mile. But, and a big but....second, third and fourth stunk. Lots of walking. My head just wasn't in it today.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

My first post!

Ok...I have been a blog stalker for long enough. Time for me to get off my duff and start my own. So here goes. I am 41 years old and have a wonderful husband of 17 years, Vince. 'Boo' is my daughter, and she is 16. She is a wonderful kid. No teenage angst from this little girlie. I do want to pinch her head off now and again due to her incredible laziness in the "clean my room" area but otherwise I can't complain about this smart little cookie. 'Bobo' is my 4 year old. Oh goodness, where do I start with him?? He is so full of energy. Like everyone says, too bad it can't be bottled!

I plan to mostly ramble on about the issues I deal with daily - from toddler meltdowns, teenage issues, a parent living in my home, my quest to become fitter, and the ultimate quest of relocating to a sunny beach:-)